Stop The Inflation Tax

Capital gains tax is a tax on income, not from wages, pensions, profits, dividends, or interest – but from the sale of assets. However, it also includes an invisible tax – the inflation tax.
When an asset (real estate, stocks/bonds, other investments) is sold, the difference between the original purchase price and the sale price is subject to capital gains tax. But when the value of the asset increases because of inflation, that increase is not real. It is artificial – not an increase in the purchasing power of those dollars.
Simple solution – Indexing would set the basis in assets as the original cost paid, adjusted for inflation. Rates would stay the same, but the tax would be paid on real gains, not artificial paper gains.

See How It Affects You

Use our Calculator below, powered by research from leading economists Art Laffer and Steve Moore and backed by Laffer Associates, The Armstrong Project, and National Taxpayers Union, to see the effect inflation has on your own effective tax rates.

(For Educational Purposes Only - The Information Entered is Not Saved or Stored)


Who We Are

Inflation Tax Relief is a joint project of the National Taxpayers Union and The Armstrong Project utilizing research from leading economists Art Laffer and Steve Moore and backed by Laffer Associates.

Join the Fight for Inflation Tax Relief